Summer Alan
...Hot Reads

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bone Deep Contest Entry

I entered Bone Deep in the Romance Junkies contest back in June and just got some feedback comments on it.  I’ve listed all of them here. (for more info on the contest, see:

“Got into the story and wanted to know what happened next. Great job!”

“I liked that I could identify with the heroine who was both tender hearted and strong. Kevin is still a bit of a mystery at this point.”

“This sounds interesting.”

“I was immediately empathetic with Hailey; haven't we all been there at some time? The story is one I will look forward to, it being realistic with a character I warmed up to right away.”

“Sounds very good!”

“I think Kevin is sweet guy. Love how he uses his suit jacket to wipe off the mud. And the kiss...*sigh*. I'll be interest to read what happens next :)”

“Good start. Might want to make it that she had experience a little attraction to him earlier. Especially since he was the co-pilot and no doubt she'd seen a lot of him. This might make her actions more authentic. Also you might want to speed up the backstory. Good luck in the competition.”  (Summer’s note: I do go into this very thing…but I was only allowed to post so much! LOL)

“This sound really good can't wait for more.”

 “Good. I enjoyed it.”

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posted by Summer Alan at 2:35 PM


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